3 Locations for Snowshoeing in NorCal
If you are into winter adventures in the mountains, here are 3 Locations for Snowshoeing in Northern California. It’s challenging to predict trail conditions and how much snow there may be each winter, so check where you are going and if you can snowshoe there. If you are new to snowshoeing, read Snowshoeing for Beginners.

Snowshoeing in the Winter Months
In the winter months, many trails become inaccessible to hike, but many are still available to snowshoe. If you plan to visit any of the trails I mention in this blog, check ahead of time. Note that powdery snow is best compared to crusty, hard-pack snow; fresh snow is usually best for snowshoe adventures!
3 Locations for Snowshoeing in NorCal
1) Granite Lake and Maggie’s Peaks, Lake Tahoe
The trail to Maggie’s Peaks is a little over 4 miles. You can also capture incredible views of Emerald Bay and the grand Lake Tahoe. The trail starts flat, but soon after, you go up for a good part of the way. The hike is considered complex, but I would say it was moderate to Granite Lake. My friends and I didn’t continue to Maggie’s Peaks because the wind picked up, and it began to snow. Conditions can change rapidly, so make sure you are well-prepared.

2) Point Mariah, Soda Springs
Point Mariah and Sterling’s Canyon Trail is a 5-mile moderate trek. You are guaranteed to get a lot of snow in most of the winter season at this location. It’s a unique trail because there is a swing and a canyon where the views look lovely when they are visible. This trail is flat with some incline – you will also come across rivers and creeks along the way. I recommend this location; one of my favorites I have snowshoed to.
Note: You must purchase a pass to snowshoe in this area. This location is known as the Royal Gorge; it is a cross-country resort, and you can do various snow activities and sports each winter. Purchase your pass here and make sure to check for the most current weather conditions in this region.

3) Round Top Lake, Mokelumne Wilderness
The trail to Round Top Lake is about 3.5 miles, but if you want to make the whole trail, it would be about 7 miles or so. What is great about this location is that you can stop snowshoeing from anywhere on the trail and still get spectacular views of Mokelumne Wilderness. Round Top Lake looks completely frozen, so stop there if you plan to visit this beautiful sight.

Your Thoughts: What is your favorite winter trail?
This post was about 3 Locations for Snowshoeing in NorCal. Do you have a favorite trail you go snowshoeing to? Share a comment below and let me know your favorite snowshoeing location.