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Backpacking Basics: 5 Essential Tips for Beginners

If you’ve experienced camping and glamping, you might be thinking about trying backpacking next. Here are several Backpacking Basics: 5 Essential Tips for Beginners. If you need a sign to get you out there and try it, this is your sign to dive right in and go for it!

5 Tips From a Beginner Backpacker

Preparation is key – Bring what works best for you!

There is no magical ingredient to being a great backpacker, and if you ask people who do it often, you will notice everyone does it a bit differently, and you mostly learn as you go.

There are standard components that you should bring, and you will pack not only what is required but also want to bring things that work for YOU.

We all have our style of doing things in the wilderness, so don’t worry about what everyone else is doing or what they have –  your journey will look different as time goes on.

Backpacking Basics: 5 Essential Tips for Beginners

1. Go With Someone Who Has Experience

If you go with someone who has never backpacked either, that’s no problem, but it certainly helps. When you go with someone with prior experience, you can learn many things from them but can also share the weight among your group, especially regarding the food portion or shelter.

Make sure you go with someone you can rely on and who is good company; this will also ensure a better experience as your first time backpacking.

5 Tips From a Beginner Backpacker

2. Borrow or Rent Your Gear

Outdoor gear is expensive, and you will want to get a feel for things that work and don’t. Don’t buy all your things immediately if you can avoid doing that. Testing gear before you buy your own can also reveal what you like or dislike.

You can also rent gear from places like REI or check your local outdoor recreation store and see if they have a program that offers something similar.

Another tip to remember is that paying a little extra could cost you less if you buy your gear – the gear will last longer and be more durable.

5 Tips From a Beginner Backpacker

3. Backpack, Tent & Sleeping Bag

The three most essential items to ensure you have a good night’s sleep and feel comfortable on your journey are a backpack, tent & sleeping bag!

The backpack will hold it all together, so you will want it to be comfortable. How much weight you bring depends on the length of your trip and where you are backpacking.  If you are unsure about the backpack portion, go to REI: they will measure you to find your backpack size, show you the backpacks they offer, and add weight to determine what is most comfortable.

Your tent is also essential, so a good shelter is vital. One of the most significant areas where backpackers can decrease weight is with their tent. Tents can weigh anywhere from 1 to 6 lbs. Read here to learn more about tents. I have a few friends who have the Big Agnes tents, and although they are pricey if you can afford one, they are a well-known brand, and they have the biggest selection of tents that weigh less for backpacking.

I strongly suggest investing in the right sleeping bag. If you are always cold like me, I recommend getting a sleeping bag that keeps you warm, especially if you are backpacking in higher elevation areas where it will be much cooler. You can also rent a sleeping bag from REI.


4. Trekking Poles, Hiking Boots, Layers and Trails

Most people prefer trekking poles for backpacking, and others don’t. I recommend trying them first; they are great for incline and higher elevation trails. They will help your ankles and knees while you have all that extra weight on your back, and you feel a good balance when using them.

Hiking boots are great for backpacking more challenging terrain; although trail runners are lighter, boots are safer on the trails, especially when going for miles through the mountains. Go with whatever you find more comfortable, but with a boot, you may get better foot coverage up to your ankles paired with a suitable wool sock that provides the ultimate comfort. 

When you are backpacking, you never know what you will get as far as the weather goes, so you will want to have some good layers with you in case the weather gets too cold or turns wet. I suggest getting a lightweight, waterproof, or insulated light jacket for cold weather.

When selecting a hiking trail, I advise you to start small and not push yourself too hard. Backpacking doesn’t have to be this long, crazy hike, and if you choose to do 18 miles or 6 miles, it doesn’t matter. Do what is most comfortable for you.

Eastern Sierras Backpacking

5. Get yourself a water filter

Water is an essential part of life, but on the trails, the stakes are high, and you do not want to fall short of this because it can become life-threatening.

Filters come in handy for these long treks for drinking and making meals. You can get water from most water sources in the wilderness, but there are exceptionsread here for more information.

Backpacking in the Sierras

In Summary

Do your research before heading out. Check the weather and road conditions, prepare maps, lay everything out, and ensure you have everything you need before packing. Remember to Leave No Trace and leave it better than you found it. Happy Trekking, friends.

This post is all about – Backpacking Basics: 5 Essential Tips for Beginners
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Last Updated on December 28, 2024 by dinasdeleon

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